Monday, January 27, 2020

Strategies for Sustainable Rice Farming

Strategies for Sustainable Rice Farming LOW CARBON INITIATIVES: A RURAL APPRAISAL OF VARIOUS MITIGATIVE STRATEGIES USED BY RICE FARMERS AS A SCHEME FOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA SAVANNA. INTRODUCTION Most of the warming that has occurred since mid-20th century is due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, human activities including modern agriculture contribute to the production GHGs and on the overall, about 14% of GHG emissions comes from the agricultural sector (IPCC, 1996). Several naturally produced and human produced GHGs trap heat. CO2, CH4, and N2O are long-lived in the atmosphere and are the major contributors to positive increases in radiative forces (IPCC, 1996). Agricultural activities are significant producers of CH4 and N2O, of the three main gases that are influenced by land management and that are responsible for the potential greenhouse effect, CH4 has the 2nd greatest climate forcing potential of 27% CAST, (1992) arising from enteric fermentation of farm animals and rice cultivation. BACKGROUND In Nigeria, rice is one of the major cereals grown for food, the cultivable land to rice lies under five major ecologies namely: rain fed upland, rain fed lowland, irrigated rice, deep water and tidal mangrove swamp (Olayemi, 1997). Although Nigeria is the largest rice producer in West Africa and 85% of the total production comes from the north FAO (2012), rice production still seeks an increase in yield to meet the budding population and reduce importation. According to Bello (2004), Nigeria has the potential to produce enough rice for its needs and even export but this is not achieved now because the technology, management practices and the efficiency with which farmers use resources influence productivity. JUSTIFICATION Self-sufficiency in rice production is the goal of the Nigerian government, this has prompted the government to find ways of boosting local rice production (Bello, 2004). Rice paddies have been identified as major CH4 source induced by human activities and Nigerian paddies are not left out. This poses a challenge as researchers are faced daily with the challenges of how to mitigate or adapt to climate change, increase adoption of low carbon practices in all sectors and ways to implement their findings in local and global context of sustainable resource management. Consequently, estimating CH4 emissions from rice paddies and evaluating the low carbon practices used by farmers has become a pressing issue for assessing GHG impacts from agroecosystems and development of mitigation options at local scales for sustainable resource management. Objectives: Spatio-temporal mapping of lands cultivated to rice from 1983 to 2013 in the study area. To compare the CH4 emissions from upland and lowland rice fields. Assess the understanding of climate change and various low carbon practices among rice farmers for environmental protection. Understand the challenges associated with the adoption of low carbon options for rice cultivation. METHODOLOGY To achieve the stated objectives, the study will involve Geo-spatial analysis, field measurements and socioeconomic survey. The study area: The study will be carried out in the savannah belt of Nigeria, Bida zone in Niger state will be selected for the study because of its long history of rice cultivation and its proximity to National Cereal Research Institute, where technologies for cereal cultivation emanate and are disseminated. The zone consists of three Local Government Areas (Lavun, Bida and Gbako) and has a total land area of 6, 181 km2. Geo-spatial analysis Data: Cloud free-Ortho-rectified Landsat images of the area for the years 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013 will be acquired from image vendors. Analysis: ArcGIS and IDIRSI geo-spatial tools will be used for the analysis of the Images. The images will be overlaid and an area of interest will be created from the overlay. Ground truthing will be done to aid supervised classification of the false and true composites of the area. The map of the dominant land use change of the area will be generated for each year. Accuracy assessment of the classification will be done, image differencing of the land cover maps will quantify the changes in land sizes cultivated to rice. Methane measurement: CH4 emission will be measured by using a portable methane gas meter (Gastech, Australia). Surface CH4 measurements from uplands and lowlands will be taken by inverting a 70mm diameter plastic funnel on the soil surface, the inlet tube of the CH4 meter will be connected to the funnel to read CH4 concentrations (Kartik and Nanjappa). Sampling procedure and Data collection A multistage sampling will be adopted for the study. First, two administrative wards will be randomly selected from each Local Government Area, for the second stage, two villages will be selected randomly from each selected ward and at the third stage, 20 rice farmers from each selected village will be randomly selected to give 80 farmers per Local Government Area and a total of 240 farmers from the zone. To allow for pre-testing and errors, 300 questionnaires will be printed. The sampling frame will focus on adult rice farmers who live in the communities and have been farming for over 25 years based on the assumption that these respondents will have adequate experiential knowledge about the subject matter. Primary data on the understanding of farmers about climate change, its effect on paddy farming, low carbon practices used and the challenges associated with the use of these practices will be collected by administering structured questionnaires to respondents in the study area. Statistical Analysis All data collected will be analyzed, using computer based Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and STATA. A multiple linear regression will be used to link socioeconomic factors with factors that influence land use. REFERENCES CAST, 1992. Preparing U.S. Agriculture for Global Climate Change. Task Force Report No. 119. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, Ames, IA. Facts and Figures about Niger State, Assessed from Kartik V. and Nanjappa A. Phytocapping: An Innovative Technique to Reduce Methane Emission from Landfills. Assessed from methaneflux paper (Environmental Research Journal).pdf Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 1996. Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change. The Contribution of Working Group I to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, New York. Impact of Trade on Domestic Rice Production and the challenge of Self-sufficiency in Nigeria Assessed from Olayemi, J.K 1997. The Nigerian Rice Industry: Performance, Problems and Prospects. A research report prepared for Food and Agricuktural Organisation, FAO; December 1997. UNCCS (United Nations Climate Change Secretariat), Emissions Summary for Nigeria, WEBSITES USED EXPECTED RESULTS AND THE RELEVANCE OF MY PROJECT TO CLIMATE CHANGE The distinctiveness of this study is that it seeks to incorporate the experiences of rural farmers in understanding the challenges associated with adopting Low carbon initiatives at local scales. This project aims at: Describing the local perception of climatic vagaries in their environment Characterizing the prevalent land use patterns in recent times. Characterizing the various local conservation practices used by rice farmers for resource conservation. Describing the effects and constraints of adopting resource protection practices. The study would reveal the changes in land cover as mediated by increase in productivity over the past thirty years in the study area and the associated methane emissions. This would be helpful in the design sustainable resource conservation measures for climate protection. As well, the study will reveal the awareness level of the respondents’ on some facts about climate change and variability, its toll on rice farming and various measures used to adapt to these changes. Since considerable attention has not been given to measuring results from adaptation and mitigation activities, results from this study hopes to be a working tool for the Nigerian government in the development of a simple Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) plan that is more readily useable by farmers through capacity building and technology development or transfer. This study will also provide insight into local resource conservation strategies that can be improved upon for sustainable resource management. The dataset will therefore become a working tool for the government, legislators, private sector, civil society and other stakeholders for appropriate understanding on the trends of greenhouse gas emission from paddies in Bida zone for necessary policy formulation on strategies to reduce the emissions in order to improve ecological system conservation and mitigate global warming. Please explain how you intend to communicate the project results during and after the sponsorship period and which target groups you particularly want to address. (2,000 characters max. The ultimate foci of this study is to raise public awareness on the amount of greenhouse gases released from paddies, it also intends to assess the low carbon strategies used by farmers and the challenges associated with using them. The major target groups are the locals and government officials. Although, the communities have limited expertise at some stages of the study, I intend to work in partnership with them for their ability to suggest strategies that would facilitate data collection and ensure that the data collected are representative of the community during the study. This will be done by clearly explaining the purpose of the study to the community head, since he has a very good knowledge of the community and can help ensure that all factors required for the study is provided. The proximity of the National Cereal Research Institute (NCRI) will be of great assistance during the study and dissemination of results. They will be helpful in providing previous research results and some experimental techniques that will be invaluable in the design of the survey. Usually, conveying research results requires wisdom to avoid rejection. Before communicating the research results to the entire community, results will discussed with the study team from NCRI and the community representatives. Also, since the FADAMA intervention programmes that serve as an intermediary between the government and the communities are common around the study area, assistance will be sought from the FADAMA facilitators during the study and when communicating the research results to the government to enhance acceptance for policy formulation. Timeline of the project, including milestones TIME FRAME (MONTHS) ACTIVITY 1-2 Arrival in Germany, Intensive German language course 3 Reconnaissance survey, acquisition of project materials and pretesting of questionnaire 4-6 Questionnaire administration and analysis. 7-10 Image acquisition, geospatial analysis and ground truthing 11-12 Preliminary write-up and corrections 13-14 Presentations and submission This study is expected to cover a one calendar year period, although this proposed duration is subject to modifications from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Describe how health and safety is implemented in your setting

The policy states that they as a school they do not administer medication to children as most medicines are 3 times a day and it possible administer this without the schools help. However if it is required then parents/carers must complete a permission slip for this to happen. All medication is kept in the school office. Treatments for something life threatening such anaphylactic shock, parent must have completed a consent form to allow a named and trained member of staff to administer should it be necessary. There is a school medical register and a copy of this is in all classrooms.Accident reportingThe policy defines that all accidents must be reported to the headteacher and also to the health ans safety co-ordinator. Any accident must also be written in the accident book which is in line with a council policy. It states that the accident must report the following detail name and address of injured person time, date and place the accident occurred what happened what injury it was t reatment given any witness information and finally any other information that is relevant If the child involved has had a bump to the head, a letter is sent home that day and the child would have a red dot sticker on their collar to alert the parent/carer.Chemical safety The most hazardous chemicals found in school are used by the caretaker. These are kept in a locked cupboard and only a small quantity is kept in school. They must always be in the original bottle and never in food or drinks containers. Chemical data sheets for such substances are kept in the office and offer advice on protection needed for using each chemical and the procedure for accidents with chemicals or in case of fire. Conduct and behaviour around school Children are made fully aware of how they should behave in and around the school through the use of school and also classroom rules.Any behaviour that is unacceptable is dealt with according to the school behaviour policy. Children are required to walk within the school, open doors carefully, line up inside the classroom quietly to await further instructions and ensure that their belongings are stored safely on their peg to avoid trip hazards. During playtime, the children are expected to be aware of people and their surroundings, know that they are not allowed to climb on walls/fences, play in areas that are not play areas for example the toilets and not to lift each other up, even during a game. Electrical safetyElectricity is one of the most dangerous things within the school and most people know how dangerous it is. The following points are the main part of the policy and are adhered to all times all portable appliances are electrical tested staff must visually check equipment before use and any faults at any time must be reported to the headteacher and site manager no one in school is permitted to work on electrical items there must be no trailing cables and if using 4 way gang adapters they should be secured by the wall so not to c reate a trip hazard all fixed electrical items are to be tested every 5 yearsFire safety The first action required in the policy is, if you discover a fire to sound the alarm at once. It states that if you are free to do so, use the appropriate fire extinguisher to tackle the fire however you must not take a personal risk. If the continuous sound of the fire alarm is heard teachers and children are well practised at following the procedure which is practised at least once a term. During the fire drill the headteacher will record the time it takes and it is in the policy that St Luke’s ensure that a complete evacuation is done within 2 minutes.The class teachers remain responsible for getting the children to the assembly point, whilst the teaching assistants check all areas of the school and the office is responsible for calling the fire brigade should it be necessary. Each classroom has a fire exit which is to be kept clear at all times, fire exit sign, the blue fire notices, and exit route map must be next to the door for all persons to read. The site manager has responsibility to carry out regular fire inspections and take any action needed. The school has an electrical fire system which is regularly checked by an approved contractor.First aidThe school aims to have at least 4 members of staff who have all attended a 3 day first aid course and where possible to have all other members of staff attend a 1 day training. First aid should be carried out when necessary by a qualified first aider but it should not prevent someone helping if the situation requires. A list of first aiders is situated around the school in places such as first aid room and staff room. It states that all members of staff including supply need to know who the first aiders are. There are first aid kits within school and they are kept up to date by the nominated first aiders.The school also has portable first aid kits for trips and visits away from the school grounds. The policy sat es that if a serious incident occurs such as unconsciousness, severe allergic reaction, suspected fractures etc. , 999 must be called along with the parents immediately. Food safety It is stated in the policy that before any food handling by the children can happen that written permission must be given from the parent/carer. The school has a no nut policy. When doing a food activity, the school highlights that the children need to be taught basic safe food handling and procedures.The children are encouraged to do the following wash their hands, tie back their hair and remove watches etc. to remember not to touch their faces while working with food wear aprons wash hands at the end of the activity work in small closely supervised groups Food hygiene standards must be followed to ensure that food is stored correctly and that the guidelines within the policy are followed. Helpers in classrooms The school welcomes parent helpers to help with all aspects of school like and to assist the teacher where necessary.They must be willing to pass on their details so that security checks can be carried out to maintain the safety and security if the children within the school. At each time on visiting the building they must sign in and out and wear the correct badge that is always visible. Any helper must ensure that they report to the class teacher anything they deem to be inappropriate or unsafe. PE Safety Children are required to dress appropriately according to the dress code specified for indoor and outdoor PE.The children are also expected to abide by the rules, some of these are as follows no running unless instructed to do so  children must participate in the warm up and cool down session children are able to use the apparatus under close supervision mats are to be carried by 4 children the children will learn the clear STOP procedure and obey when told by the teacher, this consist of STOP said by the teacher with a hand signal and then all children will sit on the floor. The policy also sates that teachers will dress appropriately for sport and wear sensible;e footwear when teaching PE. Playtimes According to the policy, there will always be 1 teacher and 1 teaching assistant on duty for playtime.They are to ensure they stand so that they have the best view of all of the playground so that the children are monitored carefully. Any accidents that happen will be dealt with by a first aider. Risk assessment The risk assessment record is held in the school office. They are carried out by the headteacher, health and safety co-ordinator and the group organiser of an off site activity. The risk assessment outlines any potential hazards, who could be affected and how, and also the measures needed to take place in order the make the activity as safe as possible.Road safety The school aims to develop and promote road safety to its pupils. Children are encourage d to use the school crossing patrol and other pedestrian crossing available. The children a t school are never allowed to leave school on their own unless written consent from the parent has been received. All children must be collected from school at the end of the day by a responsible adult or a nominated older sibling. Children are advised about the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt in the car and are asked to remind others to do so.Technology safetyThe policy states that a safe and controlled environment must be available for children to use the internet and computers safely. It is the staff responsibility to ensure that children are taught to use the equipment correctly and carefully supervised throughout. This policy also refers to children using equipment relating to design technology and the tools that they may be required to use for a specific project. Again all tools mus be stored safely, the children must receive precise instructions on how to use the equipment provided and be closely monitored throughout.Learning valuesAt St Luke’s school the children le arn through out the school day using the following learning values:1. Faith in me. 2. Spirituality 3. Interdependence 4. Creativity 5. ThinkingThe school states that this policy is designed to enable the school to run efficiently and be able to assist the pupils learn effectively.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Otzi the Iceman

Otzi the Iceman is one of the greatest discoveries known to date. His discovery has a major significance throughout the world, for his age and excellent preservation, the equipment found with him and the contents of his stomach. Other factors which contribute to his significance are the number of different human blood samples found on his clothing and equipment. Carbon dating indicates that Iceman is over 5300 years old with nature preserving him to unprecedented levels. He was found high in the Alps where freezing temperatures and strong cold winds occur allowing him and his equipment to be preserved. The winds dried more than 90% of the liquid in his body which got rid of the parasites in his blood allowing him to freeze without decaying. His massive blood loss through his wound also helped the preservation process. Thanks to these conditions we can study Iceman’s life in the early Stone Age. Initially it was thought that Ozti died due to hypothermia. Later it was speculated that it was part of a sacrificial ceremony. These theories were put to rest after x-rays and CT scans revealed a flint arrow lodged in his left shoulder. Otzi died from a fatal shot approximately 30m away at a 25 degree angle from below. The x-rays and the CT scan also revealed deep cuts on both hands implying a struggle occurred before the final blow which was proved by multiple blood samples found on his equipment. This information concludes that the Stone Age was a violent Era. The Iceman’s equipment is a significant discovery as it tells us the story of his death. Multiple blood samples were found on his clothes and equipment strengthening the theory of murder. But this is not the main reason for its importance. A copper axe was found as part of his equipment with its handle still intact, the only one ever discovered. Not only it is unique but also sets the history of copper making back 500 years in Europe. These artefacts and pieces of evidence are major factor of the Iceman’s discovery. The contents of Otzi’s stomach lead the scientist along the path he has taken over 5300 years ago. Pollen analysis was used on the food found within his intestines to accurately point his route which he travelled up the mountains and the season he died in. It also concluded what tribe Otzi most likely came from. Other food found within his stomach determined what people ate during that period and the last meal of the Iceman. The discovery of Iceman is one of the greatest mankind’s treasures. Otzi’s preservation level allowed the world to have an insight into the lives of humans over 5300 years ago. He rewrote history with his age and equipment setting new records and helping us to understand our ancestry. Thus these factors make Otzi the Iceman a significant discovery.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Profile and History National Black Feminist Organization (NBFO)

Founded: May 1973, announced August 15, 1973 Ended Existence: 1976, a national organization; 1980, last local chapter. Key Founding Members: Florynce Kennedy, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Margaret Sloan, Faith Ringgold, Michele Wallace, Doris Wright. First (and only) president: Margaret Sloan Number of chapters at peak: about 10 Number of members at peak: more than 2000 From the 1973 Statement of Purpose: The distorted male-dominated media image of the Women’s Liberation Movement has clouded the vital and revolutionary importance of this movement to Third World women, especially black women.  The Movement has been characterized as the exclusive property of so-called white middle-class women and any black women seen involved in this movement have been seen as â€Å"selling out,† â€Å"dividing the race,† and an assortment of nonsensical epithets.  Black feminists resent these charges and have therefore established The National Black Feminist Organization, in order to address ourselves to the particular and specific needs of the larger, but almost cast-aside half of the black race in Amerikkka, the black woman. Focus The double burden of sexism and racism for black women, and in particular, to raise the visibility of black women in both the Womens Liberation Movement and the Black Liberation Movement. The initial Statement of Purpose also emphasized the need to counter negative images of black women.  The statement criticized those in the black community and the â€Å"white male Left† for excluding black women from leadership roles, calling for an inclusive Women’s Liberation Movement and Black Liberation Movement, and for visibility in the media of black women in such movements. In that statement, black nationalists were compared to white racists. Issues about the role of black lesbians were not raised in the statement of purpose but immediately came to the forefront in discussions.  It was a time, however, when there was considerable fear that taking on the issue of that third dimension of oppression might make organizing more difficult. The members, who came with many different political perspectives, differed considerably on strategy and even issues. Arguments over who would and would not be invited to speak involved both political and strategic differences, and also personal infighting. The organization was unable to transform the ideals into cooperative action, or organize effectively. Key Events Regional Conference, New York City, November 30 – December 2, 1973, at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, attended by about 400 womenCombahee River Collective formed by the breakaway Boston NBFO chapter, with a self-defined revolutionary socialist agenda, including both economic and sexuality issues.